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Mobile Sports Massage Therapy

Why Sports Massage Therapy?

Using a range of techniques,  Sports massage therapy can help

  • Release muscle tension

  • Reduce risk of injury

  • Break down scar tissue and muscle adhesions

  • Improve joint motion

  • Boost the function of the immune system

  • Increase blood flow

  • Stimulate endorphins, reducing stress and exerting positive mood

How does it work?

As with personal training, I can meet you at your home. I will provide the Massage couch and any equipment needed.  The session will run for 60 minutes including time for observations and passive stretching if required. We can focus on an area such as the back or cover the full body.  Before the session we will have a consultation over the phone and I will send over a PARQ health screening form for you to fill in before we meet. As with personal training I require 24 hour notice on cancellations and payment in advance.


£50* - 60 Minute Session

*a 10% discount will be offered to all of my ongoing personal training clients.

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